Import interface PersonRepo : JpaRepository We can access that using a Repository: import .repository.JpaRepository Given we represent an individual person like this: import Id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, Let’s say we have the following PostgreSQL table for storing people: CREATE TABLE person ( When you use non-JPA features of the underlying database store, things can become complex. So, to gauge the extent of our ignorance, let’s have a look at what happens when we cannot use the JPA abstraction layer in full and instead need to work with native queries. Especially since Spring Framework 5 many of the interoperability issues (such as nullable values that are never null) have been alleviated.Ĭonfucius wrote “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”. Write a repository, annotate methods with annotation and presto! You have mapped your database entities to Kotlin objects. Working on a project with Spring Data is usually simple albeit somewhat opaque. We sometimes need to build functionality that is either so new or so specific that it hasn’t been adopted into JPA implementations yet. In creating great applications based on Machine Learning solutions, we often come across uses for frameworks and databases that aren’t exactly standard. By the end of this blog you should be able to confidently use native queries and use their outcome in a type-safe way. This is useful because sometimes you want to use a feature of the underlying database implementation (such as PostgreSQL) that is not part of the JPQL standard. This blog describes the solution to mapping native queries to objects.